
Annual Report

We’ve summarised the data we collected from clients in 2023 so it’s easy to see just what a positive impact the Happiness Programme has had.

You can see the Annual Report below.

Our motivation

Our motivation comes from living with these challenges in our own families, including our Managing Director, John, who cared for his father who was diagnosed with dementia.

He's not the only one. We have similar stories from our sales, social impact and development teams.

It's these experiences and motivations that drive our ambition to spark laughter and happiness among some of the most lonely people in society.

Aiming to change through happiness

We started out with a simple idea – to listen to the many care staff, friends and family that we’d met and worked with to develop something truly ground-breaking. A best-in-class magic table projector paired with a service offering so powerful, we were willing to guarantee its effectiveness.

And so, Social-Ability was born… We’re on that journey now and we’d love you to join us

Our Team

As a team, we’ve got a history of working with interactive lights and the care industry more broadly. Coupled by our own care experiences, we believe this makes a difference when it comes to delivering a service to care venues across the UK.

Working for a better tomorrow

We don't measure our success purely by profit and as a social venture, are driven by the impact we make. We carefully track what we call our Happiness Index - a measure of the numbers of people we positively influence through our work and programme.

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