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Going viral on TikTok with the Happiness Programme.

We spoke with Kelly Doyle, Marketing and Employee Engagement Officer at Kirklands Care Group and Ebony Grace Atkins from Meadows Court, a Kirkland Care Group home. Meadow’s Court recently went viral on TikTok using the interactive projector, amassing 3 million views, 230,000 likes and 32,000 saves. We spoke to Ebony and Kelly about their experience with the Happiness Programme, and why they chose to post.

Ebony told us they use the projector at least twice a week, sometimes more frequently depending on the home’s activity schedule. Favourite games amongst residents include:

  • Whack a Mole: Residents enjoy mimicking the noises.
  • Piano: Encourages musical interaction.
  • Pop the Balloon: A fun and engaging game.
  • Movement-Based Activities: Such as “Leaves,” where residents move their arms around.

The projector is particularly effective in promoting physical activity and social interaction. For example, the piano activity often draws in residents who are typically less involved, which creates a more inclusive environment.

Several residents who don’t usually participate in activities show significant interest when the interactive projector is used. Ebony uses Ripples to simulate a beach environment, prompting residents to reminisce about their childhood beach experiences, which sparks conversations and also enhances social interaction.

The novelty of the projector intrigues residents and encourages them to engage more actively.

When asked about the Social-Ability team, ebony said the training and service team have provided exceptional support, making it easier for staff to introduce new activities and keep residents engaged. Regular updates about new Happiness Programme features help staff plan and integrate games into their activities, especially during holidays like Christmas and Easter.

From the perspective of an activities coordinator, Ebony tells us the Happiness Programme has significantly eased the planning and scheduling of activities. It helps build connections with residents who are typically less involved, fostering relationships through one-on-one interactions. Ebony notes that the projector brings residents and staff together, creating a sense of community and shared enjoyment.

Social Media Success

Ebony played a pivotal role in the TikTok success of the Happiness Programme. She filmed and uploaded a video to the care home’s TikTok account, which was initially created to share activities and engage the community. The video, which Ebony says she thought was ‘rubbish’ received 500 likes within an hour, showcasing the residents’ interaction with the interactive projector. Ever since then, it’s garnered more and more attention and led to an increase in traffic to the Kirklands Care Group website and a small number of enquiries. 

Ebony has been testing TikTok for the company, with most of the content featuring her home. The use of social media platforms like Facebook and TikTok has been instrumental in showcasing the activities and fostering a positive image of the care home. Regular content posts include weekly activity schedules, resident birthdays, employee of the month, and other notable events.

The response from the TikTok community has been overwhelming, with many sharing how the video resonated with them in the comments section. The success of the video is something Meadow’s Court aims to replicate to boost awareness and engagement for the home, and the importance of running activities that are meaningful and enjoyable. Their hope is to build a robust connection with the local area and enhance overall experience for residents. 

The positive feedback on social media highlights the innovative activities available for the elderly, which many people are unaware of.

You can watch the viral video here.

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